Mathematical Methods in the Humanities Research

მათემატიკური მეთოდები ჰუმანიტარულ კვლევებში

სასწავლო-კვლევითი სამეცნიერო ცენტრი იწყებს პრაქტიკული სემინარების ციკლს – ,,მათემატიკური მეთოდების გამოყენება ჰუმანიტარულ კვლევებში“.

• The development of research competence for the formulation and implementation of applied and computational tasks in humanitarian research; • Exchange of theoretical and practical knowledge between scientists of various fields; • Development of the direction “Digital Humanities”

Theme of the first workshop: Tbilisi Sustainable Urban Transport Strategy (mathematical methods of research). Applied significance: solving the problems of organizing a transportation system, evaluating measures undertaken by the municipal and central government in order to create a rational urban transportation system.

Researchers working in the field of mathematics, public administration, economics, information technology, transport management, as well as other scientists with experience in research using mathematical methods are invited to participate in the seminar. The seminar will also be attended by doctoral students who participate in the research program of the center.

The workshop will be held on December 27, 2019 at 12 o’clock in the conference hall of the center (Mindeli str. 11, II building, II floor).


