Gender Equality Plan of the Teaching-Research Scientific Center


  1. Introduction


The Teaching-Research Scientific Center (hereinafter referred to as the Center) considers the principle of equality to be one of the main characteristics/indicators of the quality of science.

For the purposes of the mission and activities of the Center, this plan is based on international documents: the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW); Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Decision No. 14/05 on the role of women in conflict prevention, crisis management and post-conflict rehabilitation (2005); EU directives on equal treatment (2006/54/EC); UNDP Regional Vision – a multi-sectoral approach to responding to gender-based violence and more.

The basis for the adoption of the document is also the Constitution of Georgia, the Law of Georgia on Gender Equality and other legislative acts.

  1. Content of the plan


The observance of the principle of gender equality, the commitment to its implementation and adherence to the relevant values are set out in Center’s mission and vision, in the Code of Ethics and in this document.

Ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men is based on:

  1. 1. Prohibition of all forms of discrimination in the field of higher education, including on the basis of academic, religious or ethnic origin and / or opinion, gender, social origin, etc.;
  2. The principles of transparency, equality and fair competition in the administration of research in the field of science and technology development;
  3. Equal treatment regardless of a person’s ethnicity, gender, social origin, political or religious beliefs, etc.;

The following aspects are taken into account in the process of promoting the introduction of both administrative and research and innovation:

  • Work-life balance and organizational culture;
  • Gender balance in leadership and decision making;
  • Integrating the gender aspect into research and teaching / learning content;
  • Taking appropriate action against gender discrimination/violence, including sexual harassment.

The Center plans to participate in research projects and programs that support the development and implementation of activities focused on the principle of gender equality, including activities with the direct goal of:

  1. Awareness and respect for gender diversity;
  2. Development and implementation of a concept compatible with family values;
  3. Implementation of an effective mechanism for cooperation and communication between administrative and academic staff on issues and major problems of gender equality;
  4. Development of optimal mechanisms for timely identification of gender discrimination and the adoption of appropriate restraining measures, etc.;

The center also plans:

  • Development of gender integration methods;
  • Development of monitoring methods in the system of final assessment of gender integration
  • Development of methods for gender audit, methods for monitoring and evaluating initiatives for systematic gender regulation.


  1. Final points


  1. The Gender Equality Plan of the Teaching-Research Scientific Center was approved by the General Meeting of the Center in July 2021;
  2. Partner universities and research institutes of the Center can use this document in their relations with others if they support the gender policy of the Center;
  3. The partner universities and research institutions of the Center are obliged to take into account the requirements of this document in the projects and programs implemented jointly with the Center.

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