Educational Practice Support Program for Students of the Faculties of Public Administration and Law

ეფექტური მართვის სისტემები – დოქტორანტთა კვლევის შედეგები

The Teaching-research scientific Center offers students of the departments of public administration, business administration and law to undergo educational practice in the direction of Effective Administration Systems.

The purpose of educational practice is: The purpose of the practice:

 To provide students with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the specifics of work in the process of administering technologies and the practical details of the implementation of research results.

The purpose of educational practice is: Practice tasks:

  • Acquaintance with the organizational and legal form and management system of the Scientific Institute;
  • Study of the specifics of the introduction of chemical and engineering technologies and familiarization with the problems of implementation of international legal norms of corporate and social responsibility;
  • Study of normative legal documents on the organization and management of public-private partnership in the sphere of innovative activities;
  • Excursions for acquaintance with scientific-research institutions;
  • Methodological lectures, trainings and disputes for the development, selection and adaptation of cross-sectoral research;
  • Collecting materials for writing a qualifying work.

To undergo educational practice, students will be assigned a supervisor of practice, who will determine the plan of practice, introduce students to the specifics of managing scientific institutions, help them create a working atmosphere and draw up practice documents.

Interested parties must submit:

  • Statement
  • Marksheet
  • Application of the Department to the Director of the Training-Research Scientific Center.

Students will be selected based on an interview;

The internship period is from 45 days to 6 months (depending on the individual internship plan).